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Fresh Start
So I poured a cup of coffee. I'm not sure if I poured it because I was sleepy, or because I just wanted the taste of it. And then I realized that coffee is beautiful. Now don't think I'm crazy I'm not running to Kroger stalking the coffee aisle or driving to Starbucks just to sniff. I admire its pure coloration, its smoothness. The Boldtivity (lol is that a new word?) anyway life is like that sometimes. smooth and bold. At least that's what I got from it. We spend so much time with the "Oh Lord, Whys?" and what not that we tend to forget about the side snippets and outtakes that makes life beautiful. I've been trying to be more "responsible" and hold myself accountable for the good and the bag things that happen. By taking ownership of situations, I cannot allow these small things to overcome Me. I mean I am the one in control right? I hope that my pieces of me that I leave here will make a few people laugh or cry or feel some type of emotion. Because if your not feeling anything...your not living.